Are you financially prepared for a catastrophe? Most people aren’t. Whether it’s a wildfire, flood, personal crisis, or economic downturn, an unexpected event can wipe out your savings, take away your physical possessions, or even leave you bankrupt.
In this episode, Rise Growth Partners’ Terri Kallsen, Joe Duran, and Bleakly Financial’s Scott Schwartz break down the step-by-step financial survival plan you need to protect your wealth, secure your future, and avoid financial ruin.
What You’ll Learn:
- The A-List framework for financial preparedness
- How to protect your assets from unexpected disasters
- The #1 mistake that leaves people broke after a crisis
- Liquidity, insurance, and debt strategies you need to know
- Accountability: Who makes financial & emergency decisions in a crisis?
- Liquidity: Why having 6-12 months of cash reserves is critical.
- Indebtedness: How to avoid crippling debt traps before it’s too late.
- Simplicity: Why overcomplicated finances make disaster recovery harder.
- Transparency: The importance of clear financial records & emergency contacts.
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