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When it comes to investing, what are the key sectors you should be focusing on? Join Jon Najarian and Anthony Scaramucci as they share their top investment strategies for the booming sectors of AI, energy, and cryptocurrency. In this episode of ‘Speak Up,’ Anthony Scaramucci speaks with Jon Najarian, CEO and Co-Founder of Market Rebellion, for a discussion on the latest trends in artificial intelligence, why energy investments could see a 10x return, and what to look out for in the crypto space. Jon also reveals his favorite AI stocks, discusses the rising demand for clean energy, and provides expert advice on options trading.

Jon Najarian  0:00  
AI i love AI. I love Micron. I love ARM Holdings. I love super micro computer. I love so many of the things on the AI side of it. But what else is there out there? Well, that's the job of people like Anthony Scaramucci and Jon Najarian to go out there and figure, okay, it's really thirsty for energy. So what does that mean? That means I need something like clean energy like nuclear. I'm going to invest like crazy. These stocks are up as much as Nvidia is up Camco which is a uranium producer. It's up 7x. Seven times what the price that it was just a couple years ago.

Anthony Scaramucci  0:50  
All right. So joining us now on SpeakUp a very dear friend, you know, Najarian, I tell people that I just met you because I'm lying about my age. But if I were telling the truth, almost a quarter century, you have a love affair between the Nigerians and the Scaramucci is but I want to welcome you to the show. You're the CEO and founder of market rebellion with your brother Pete. And I understand you just added Grant Cardone, a mutual friend of ours is now an owner and investor in your in your company. So congratulations.

Jon Najarian  1:27  
Thank you. 

Anthony Scaramucci  1:28  
Tell us where you're zooming in from we have some interest to our viewers and listeners. 

Jon Najarian  1:33  
I am on the trading floor of CBOE global markets used to be known as the Chicago Board Options Exchange. Now CBOE global markets publicly traded entity, billions and billions of dollars in market cap. And they own I think, 22 or 23. They're always buying somebody exchanges around the world, Anthony. So they stretch from, I believe, Japan, all the way across the US, through Europe and so forth. So an awful lot of trading goes on at CBOE global markets. And my hat's off to them for letting us shoot here live today. It's fantastic. 

Anthony Scaramucci  2:13  
I love it. I love the background. You You were generous to me once in Chicago where you gave me a tour of all these great places. You also you also introducing my fellow Italian Rick Santelli. I owe you that as well. I want to talk about your interest in investing. Coming out of what you did prior to that, give us your Odyssey into an investing that I want to go into the markets. 

Jon Najarian  2:40  
Sure. Well, as Anthony knows, folks, I started off as a linebacker for the Chicago Bears. So the investment there was how not to get hurt. I spent a lot of time trying to compete with Mike Singletary for the linebacker job. I got to play in four games in 1981. I got cut. But I loved this city, and Chicago and I lived here for 40 years after that, and was just lucky enough Anthony that I was in a city where it had a vibrant trading community. So I went down onto the trading floor after I got cut and really fell in love with not just the city, the people but also the the idea of the adrenaline. I I'm an adrenaline junkie, I surf, I ski, ski fast. And I really enjoy the adrenaline pump that you get that dopamine hit or whatever it is from trading. And so do I trade just for the sake of trading? No, just like you. I trade stocks, options, futures, cryptocurrencies, I'll trade almost anything. But that doesn't mean I'm a gambler. I am a trader and an investor again, just like you, Anthony, and I have morphed as skybridge has folks, because you know, 20 years ago, 30 years ago, would I have thought that I'd ever be trading cryptocurrency? No, but that's big. Yeah, it's one of the big hits that you've had. I mean, skybridge has absolutely crushed it because of cryptocurrency not just because you're, you know, Goldman Sachs and Lehman brother prowess, Anthony, but because of you are willing to adapt and adopt, and that's what I have, for 42 years in my investing career. 

Anthony Scaramucci  4:38  
Jon it was scary and it was painful. And I'm going to show you something that I think you'll get a kick out of and this is for viewers and listeners. This is stuff these are notes that I wrote to myself in 2022 when I was dying, okay, and this is a note to self. When you're having a bad time in life. Pick up the phone and call your friends like Jon Najarian. Okay, so you were always kind to me and my rough moments in my career, I think it's very important for people to remember they can get through these rough moments as investors or as people who built a number of very successful businesses, you love the options markets. You are you've invited people to learn about those through you and your brother. You've put out books related to this, please give us a sense for why you love the options markets. And why should individual investors be attracted to options?

Jon Najarian  5:34  
Sure, happy to number one, they can define their risk when they enter. When you buy a stock, or a crypto for that matter, you have unlimited upside, and limited only to zero on the downside. And most of us need to pay more attention to those risks rather than the potential rewards. So when you buy an option, that's all you can lose. So you're just trading a somewhat perpetual instrument like a stock or a crypto, you're trading that for something with a defined timeframe, maybe it's a one week option, maybe it's a six month option, maybe it's a one year option, but you can define your risk when you enter the trade. Rather than saying, Gosh, I'm really feeling the pain, I think I should get out. Now. As we both know, if you did that, in 2022, you got out for 18,000 bucks per Bitcoin. And then they rocketed this year to $73,000 or higher. So you don't want the market to take you out, you want to decide when you're going to exit. And you get these blinders on Anthony, when when you're experiencing those losses, sometimes the loss is you know, a personal loss like a father, a brother or whatever. Other times it's financial loss. And those blinders keep you from seeing all the other good things that you could be doing at that moment. So options, I think, let me define my risk. And let me get a leveraged return on my investments so that I'm not just making, you know, 3% 4% Those are great. But I want to make 30% 100% or 10x, those kinds of things. And you can do that with options.

Anthony Scaramucci  7:27  
How many years you're doing this, John Najarian, how many years? 

Jon Najarian  7:31  
Well, I started in 1981. So for an awful lot of you watching Anthony's show, here on wealthy on that is a long time. 42 years, 43 years, that's a long time, this will be my 43rd year in October, and I'm delighted to be doing it still. I'm excited by it. Again, there are always things that I can morph into. I can trade options on Bitcoin or Aetherium. I can trade futures on those, I can trade and ride the Nvidia and AI way if I mean, all of that is exciting to me, Anthony. And as you know, we get to basically tie in any news in the world, whether it's politics, whether it's commodities, whatever news that's happening in the world, it's impacting one of the stocks that you and I trade, and that's what makes it also interesting, and keeps your brain you know, rolling along rather than just turning into mush.

Anthony Scaramucci  8:34  
You know, I'm saying this for a reason, though, John, you had the enthusiasm of a 25 year old that just entered the space. So what is what's the lesson there? How do you keep yourself game ready? How do you keep yourself enthused? You know, to for me, it's always the newness of the markets, you know, I feel like you and I are in the business of constant evolvement and constant understanding of the shifting currents of business. What is it for you?

Jon Najarian  9:03  
Um, it is that it's applying whatever the expertise that again, professional traders like Anthony and I have accumulated skills over these years you know, to use the Liam Neeson quote from taken or whatever, I've acquired a certain set of skills that make me very dangerous to people like you. I love the idea that I can be excited by the different angles that I can attack a given investment Anthony so for instance, AI, I love AI. I love micron, I love ARM Holdings. I love super micro computer. I love so many of the things on the AI side of it, but what else is there out there? Well, that's the job of people like Anthony Scaramucci and Jon Najarian to go out there and figure okay, it's really three stiffer energy. So what does that mean? That means I need something like clean energy like nuclear, I'm going to invest like crazy, these stocks are up as much as Nvidia is up Camco, which is a uranium producer, it's up 7x, seven times what the price that it was just a couple years ago, I'm going to be buying a lot of that I'm going to be buying a lot of nn e, this is a micro nuclear reactor. And some people might say micro nuclear reactor. What about terrorists and things? Nuclear energy is very safe, super clean. But of course, there are issues. And one of the issues is, you know, to get these things permitted, takes decades to get them built takes decades. Well, so what if you had something that's the size of a Generac generator, you know, in other words, a large file cabinet that could basically generate all the power you need for a facility like the one behind me, the one that I'm sitting in right here, CBOE global markets, what if you could do that, that's what a lot of these companies do, Anthony. So data centers have, you know, VRT and these big data data centers, those are the areas that I'm exploring, and I'm investing in, because of AI, because I know the boom is going to keep carrying us. I know a lot of the men and women behind me that are trading are buying and selling power, and energy. And I think that is one of the picks and shovels that's necessary for AI to be successful, and it will be successful. Unfortunately, it'll hit a lot of jobs too. So we need to be thinking about that, when we're investing in AI, that this is something that's going to take a lot of jobs away from people that otherwise might not have as many choices as you and I have had Anthony.

Anthony Scaramucci  11:58  
When you think of the future, the future of investing? Or is it you and me up against the computer, or you and I are going to be on the beach and let my computer work against your computer? What what happens to the world of investing, as we start to introduce AI into so many aspects of commerce and business? You know, and I'll point this out, John, because I want to talk about politics with the for a second. Ed, the 80 year old men that were debating each other two weeks ago. Now one question came up related to AI. And you and I know that AI is going to be a multiple force factor in this economy. Over the next 20 years, we got to have people in those seats that are willing to at least embrace and understand that and have some policy direction behind it. But go ahead, what what happens in the world of investing when AI gets into the mix?

Jon Najarian  12:54  
Well, and we're doing that right now, we bought a brokerage Anthony called Sogo Trade. And we're incorporating a big AI company that will have a big announcement in a couple of weeks about it. AI can do so much in terms of. Yeah, could Anthony and John just be sitting there on the beach? Yes. All we got to do is basically tell the AI what to look for, what sorts of opportunities, how much do you want to make on a trade? Obviously, the longer you hold on, the more risk there is? Because do you need that AI to be rolling up and out? Taking profits off the table? And then pushing those investments out into the future? Maybe so. But you and I competing against computers? We never could? We can't. But the computer really is just doing what we've programmed it to do now AI? Yeah, that takes it to another level, because AI is pulling from all these sources of information around the world. So AI would know before we do you know that Kazakhstan just put a big premium on, for instance, uranium extraction in their country. What does that mean? Well, supply and demand still drives prices. So if you have less supply and more demand, I can tell you where the prices are going. So AI could figure that out faster than you and I could and AI would be reacting to that last night when that came out, rather than today during the day after these uranium stocks have popped just as one example. 

Anthony Scaramucci  14:32  
Good. Good point. All right. So we're both crypto enthusiast. So you tell me what's going on in the crypto market? What's going on with Bitcoin feels like Bitcoin hit a wall just above 70,000. It's backed off into the 50s. Should I be worried about that as a crypto investor, should I be buying here? What's your thoughts?

Jon Najarian  14:54  
Well, just like you and I keep saying that in this interview for But there's, there's only this much separation between Jon and Anthony. And how we've grown in our career.

Anthony Scaramucci  15:07  
You like six foot, six feet taller than me and you have 50 pounds more muscle than me. You're you're the type of guy if I walked into a bar, say where is that guy's girlfriend, I gotta stay as far away as possible. So I don't end up through the window of the bar. But go ahead.

Jon Najarian  15:25  
When I'm looking at what's going on in the markets and things like that, I really focus in on risk versus reward. Like I said, at the top, I think that's one of the most important things that we have to do is focus on that risk versus reward. You should always ask yourself, folks, how much can I lose? Not how much can I make? Because we can make money and a monkey can make money. My dad was a surgeon, and he used to say, Anthony, I can teach a monkey to do surgery. But it's knowing what to do, especially when things go wrong. 

Anthony Scaramucci  16:00  
I'll remember that Najarian the next time I have a surgery. I'll be thinking of primate.

Jon Najarian  16:06  
Exactly. But I think that there's so many angles that we can take with investing and with crypto, I think crypto, I was a seller over 70. I bought it back last week when it broke down to 55 or 54. I never buy the bottom. I never sell the top. So I'm not telling you that I did that, folks. I sold it a little over 70. I bought it back at like 58 on that short position. And now would I be adding in the mid 50s? Yes, I would. We're talking about Bitcoin to USD to the US dollar folks. Yes, I would. But I do think that the mount Gox issue is a big issue. I think that we've got Mt. Gox those coins $9 billion worth of bitcoin that was on those on Mount Gox. On that exchange, if you will, they're going to be given back to the people that rightfully owned them. They've been locked up for a decade, as all this works its way through the courts. So do I think that that's pressuring I think at least people believe that it is pressuring the markets? Because many of those people own these coins from pennies, maybe even, you know, single digit dollars. And now it's $57,000. Would you think that some of those people would be so grateful to finally get their coins back that they might be taking profits? That would be what I would think Anthony? And I think that's the overhead pressure that's pushing down on Bitcoin at this time, and the sentiment that that could be happening, whether it does or doesn't. That's the sentiment right now. 

Anthony Scaramucci  17:51  
Okay, I'm up against that, though. Let me get you to react to this. There's 16 or so billion dollars of cash that's going to be dumped on FTX. These are the former account holders of of FTX Sam Venkman Fried's firm, what do you what say you to that?

Jon Najarian  18:10  
Well, again, giving people what was rightfully theirs, and unfortunately, you know, I try not to leave my coins on any exchange folks, I made a mistake and did some of that with the FTX situation. Shame on me for doing that. But now that those of us who did that are getting some, probably not all but some of that money back. Again, that was when Bitcoin was in the, you know, certainly less than 30. And it was in the mid to low 20s. And falling when when Sam failed, and it was failing. Because, you know, people just didn't believe that one of the biggest exchanges on Earth for cryptocurrency could possibly be a fraud. And unfortunately, that's what he was convicted of. So I'll call him a fraud. Hopefully most of us get a very good portion of our money back. I know you were a big believer in him, Anthony. And

Anthony Scaramucci  19:17  
 My business to him, you know what I mean?

Jon Najarian  19:19  
Yeah, I was too. So, unfortunately, and a bunch of big Silicon Valley firms, like Sequoia and others were big believers in Sam. He played a great game. And he made it look like he really was everything that people projected onto him. brilliant young kid out of MIT, you know, he's making money hand over fist and all this kind of stuff. My best advice to folks is, make sure that you if you're trading Kryptos that you do it in your own hardware or software wallet, you take it off the exchange, you don't leave it on the exchange, wherever you're trading and In that, for those of you who only trade stocks and options, there are now those ETFs. Great. You can have those and hold those at Fidelity at Morgan, at Goldman, you know, virtually every big firm. And I would say that's safe, but leaving your crypto on an exchange, not a good idea.

Anthony Scaramucci  20:21  
Okay. I mean, this is your this is like really good. practical advice for investors. Where is an opportunity right now? That's actionable, that you're looking at saying, Okay, if I was a investor today, a little bit of excess cash, this is what I would do in the market.

Jon Najarian  20:41  
It would be energy, Anthony, again, what I just cited about Kazakhstan, that occurred just yesterday, the 10th of July, folks. So this is new news. This is an area where they do extract. Uranium. Canada is also a big area where they extract a lot of uranium, so as the United States, but energy is going to be in higher and higher demand, AI is super hungry for energy, these data centers where AI is running, pull between 11 and 17 times as much energy as you doing a simple search on your own through Google or whatever. When you ask AI, whether it's Chet GPT, six, or whatever it is that you're using, whether it's Claude over at Google, all of those things are extremely intense, with their demand for energy. You couple that with EVs. And even though they slowed down, the growth of Evie expansion slowed down dramatically in 2024. It's not over. But all of that demand for power means that energy is where the number one place to invest right now more than gold, more than Bitcoin energy.

Anthony Scaramucci  21:59  
All right, I appreciate it, I think is stuff that people are looking for I'm and I'm gonna turn it over to the audience. So we got really questions for you, John. Do you have any data or reliable information on how much bitcoin is being used as a currency in exchange for value? In the US and worldwide? Of course, we know it is being used as a currency in exchange for value in El Salvador 7 million people, they're up now to 22% use case. So the is being adopted? What are the places are you aware of?

Jon Najarian  22:35  
Quite frankly, most of what I see from people that I talk with people that are involved with minting coins, and so forth, the so called alt coins and so forth. Most of them are looking at Bitcoin, in particular Etherium, as well as investments, not as currency. And so Anthony, I would say, I know a very few people that want to use Bitcoin as a currency, most of them want to use it as a store of value. And I think for that it is because again, we printed how many trillion dollars in the last two decades, we have printed a massive amount of money. And the again, supply and demand. So if you print that much money, what's the value of that money? It goes down? That's why Bitcoin was created, because there can only be 21 million coins total produced unless a majority of the coin holders decide that they want more, and I don't believe they will. I think they'll want to keep this in limited supply. And that's why Bitcoin to me is a store of value, not a currency.

Anthony Scaramucci  23:52  
Okay, that's a rich from Palm Beach, Florida. Thank you Rich. What's the point of stable coins? Like the USD coin? Is it just a knock off of the dollar? This is James from Staten Island.

Jon Najarian  24:04  
Yes, James, you know the answer already? And it is yes. Is it something that you're going to invest in to make money? Of course not. But when you flip out of any of the digital assets that Anthony and I trade through either mark or rebellion, so go trade skybridge, whatever. You don't want to flip all the way back out to the dollar, because then in order to invest again, you've got to convert back in and every time you convert folks, you lose a little bit. Why? Because somebody's got to get paid. So instead, once you're in digital assets, it makes all the more sense to flip over into tether to flip over into various stable coins. When you want to be on the sidelines. And then when you want to buy whether it's Aetherium, whether it's Solana, whether it's Bitcoin, you can jump back in at that level, but you are the last thing you want to do is jump back into the dollar. On top of everything else, I believe, my personal opinion is you're creating a taxable event when you do that. And I'd rather not do that. Even though Anthony, as you know, I live in Puerto Rico, where we have 0% capital gains.

Anthony Scaramucci  25:19  
I think the only thing I would add for James is that that stable coin is going to dramatically improve international commerce because at some point as that stable coin and we eventually get a stable coin regulation, and I was at an event last night and yesterday morning, in Washington, where there's a very big course Mark Cuban myself, Mike Novogratz, to push crypto to be bipartisan, and I and I, you know, I have differences with Donald Trump, but I will applaud Donald Trump for seeing the need for Bitcoin to be part of the US economic story part of the US economic innovation growth rate, when I would say that Elizabeth Warren and Mary Gensler, failed to country are trying to block something that's going to happen, whether without the United States when this coin gets greater establishment, you'll be able to in a lightning fast sort of a way wired around the world. That's happening, whether the banks want it or not. And so yes, it's just a knock off on the dollar. But it will have technical efficiencies that will make our transaction speeds faster. And our transaction whilst lower. Let's go to the next question. What's your take on Biden dropping out? This is Danielle from Long Island. And so do you want to go first on that?

Jon Najarian  26:40  
Sure. It seems as if he should. I don't feel as safe. As I did. Prior to that debate, even though I thought that he was slowing down a lot. I had no idea how much he had slowed down. And now after hearing what George Clooney and a number of other people that are close to him, have said, George rates raise $30 million for him three weeks ago. And apparently a lot of people at that fundraiser said that they really had questions about the president, even then before the debate. So I worry about that. Because again, the right back to the Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump question, what about that 11pm Call, or that to in the morning call? I don't want this guy making that decision. I don't think he's in a good spot to make that decision. But I will say, Anthony that, again, with my energy focus as it is, the last thing we need is to limit American energy independence, we need to be as energy independent as possible. So whoever, whether it's Joe Biden, or anybody else that steps into those shoes of the President of the United States, from the Democratic side, or the Republican side, Donald Trump, versus Gavin Newsom or Kamala Harris or whatever, they've got a support energy. And I'm not saying they have to subsidize it more. Many of us who invest will do that subsidy, we don't need the government to subsidize energy, but we need them to get out of the way. And that's one of the things that I fault Joe Biden for is that, you know, fossil fuels are one of many fuel elements that we need. It can't all be wind, it can't be all geothermal can't be all solar. And it can't be all nuclear. We need to have coal, and we need to have fracking and various ways to extract energy out of the earth. And I think he's been an impediment to that, rather than supportive of it.

Anthony Scaramucci  28:44  
Yeah, yep. Well, I'm gonna answer Daniel pretty plaintifflee, I think that he has to come out of the race. And I'll make a prediction that he's out of the race by the end of the month, because you can't have people like George Clooney saying that he's a zombie. And then they keep them in the race. And then what are these guys? Are they gonna say, Oh, he's not a zombie. And also, you know, listen, let me put this in the Democrats face for a second. And I'm going to totally disregard my personal feelings for Mr. Trump and my political opinions. But if the Democrats feel that Mr. Trump, President Trump is an existential danger to the democracy, what are they doing exactly? You know, to meet beyond the Democrats have done Trump's service. If you said to me, I'm a democratic operative, and I want Donald Trump to win. What I'm going to do is I'm going to lie to the media lie to the donors about the coherence, and the mental acuity of President Biden. I'm then going to put them out in a debate for 90 minutes, I'm going to under hydrate him, so he can barely speak with a very soft, disjointed voice. And I'm going to get him demolished by the other candidate. And then I'm gonna leave me hanging where we have this mishmash of birds picking up the carcass of Joe Biden, and so I can't believe that the As people are doing this, but 

Jon Najarian  30:01  
Yeah, I'm totally on the same page with you, Anthony, you can't on the one hand, say that Donald Trump is an existential threat to democracy, and then hide all of the issues that have been plaguing this president. Probably for the last several years. 

Anthony Scaramucci  30:21  
My producers yelling at me because she likes me and she's saying, you and Jon are investors get off of politics. Okay, so we're gonna get off of politics.

Jon Najarian  30:31  
We were answeing a question. Thats all.

Anthony Scaramucci  30:34  
no, of course. I know, Fed rate cuts. We'll see. We will we see Fed rate cuts. Will we see more? Alex from Cincinnati? I think we will i and then Jon, I'm just gonna start I think the Feds gonna cut rates. And I think they're, I think they're behind the curve right now, if I've just looked at the data. And I understand why they want to be behind the curve, because they were wrong in the beginning of this whole cycle. But I think they've got to cut rates. You may even see a 50 basis point cut. One of these cuts going forward, maybe not won't be the first cut, but they may have to cut faster than they originally anticipated.

Jon Najarian  31:10  
Yep. I agree with you, Anthony. I was looking at the Chinese banks, because Kyle bass was tweeting this out Chinese banks 340% of their GDP is the debt that these guys have that is not sustainable. They are virtually upside down US banks. It's 1%. Folks, by the way, which is why we've got the safest best banks in the world, I believe. And yes, you're welcome Jamie Dimon. But I would say Anthony that we will see rate cuts, it's up to 88%. Now that according to the CME tour, which is based on, as we like to say, people putting their money where their mouth is, the merch doesn't pull its members, the merch looks at how many trillions of dollars are going into various levels of you know, whether it's the three month, the two year, the five year, the 10. Year, the 20 year, the 30 year, they look at all of that to say, this is how the money is going right now. And because of the 3% cpi that we saw today, again, that's 3% of folks. A lot of people said, well, it was down. No, it's up 3%. It was the issue is we have to attack inflation, yes. But we don't want to do it at the expense of employment. And right now we need to get people back working in the housing sector that aren't working in the housing sector, because at 7% mortgages, there's precious little they can do you drop them 50 basis points, like Anthony just said, you're gonna see a much more robust and very active housing market. It doesn't just impact TLDR and Home Depot and Lowe's, it impacts the biggest employers in America. So I expect to see that in September. Anthony.

Anthony Scaramucci  33:11  
We agree. Let's see if we got another question here. Yeah, 10,000 to invest in either gold or Bitcoin, which would you choose jazz from Newington, Connecticut?

Jon Najarian  33:21  
I would choose Bitcoin at this level.

Anthony Scaramucci  33:26  
About I like gold. And I don't want to be any, any in any way dissuasive of gold. Nope. But I would also, I would also choose Bitcoin, because I do think that gold is our store of value and did coin is at our merging store of value. And I think it can trade to the market capitalization of gold. So I'm gonna go with on that. Okay. Anthony, would you take on John at a game of tackle football? From the control room. So I would take on John, in the type of football that we used to play in the high school cafeteria, where we bent the straw into a square and then we Yeah, and we pushed it towards each other that is about the extent of football that I would like to play with John Geryon. However, if we were going to do a Thanksgiving pickup football game, Jon, Najarian would be my first draft choice.

Jon Najarian  34:24  
Oh, I'm flattered. I would be and I would show up if you were gonna have..

Anthony Scaramucci  34:29  
I would just want you to murder on my next door neighbor's job. And that would be that would be great for me. But there's Well congratulations on the partnership with Grant Cardone. Thank you. So your business market rebellion. Thank you so much for joining us here on speak up and I hope to have you back on I know you're doing more with the wealthy on networks. We're all grateful here at Wealthy on for your contributions and 

Jon Najarian  34:52  
Oh, thank you, sir. 

Anthony Scaramucci  34:54  
You get a chance to see each other soon.

Jon Najarian  34:55  
We'll be doing more together. Anthony, I'm sure and again, Thank you, thanks to all the folks in the studio for this and to Steve Feldman and Rowley and all the great folks at Wealthion thumbs up, everybody.

Anthony Scaramucci  35:09  
All right, God bless. We'll see you soon. Jon. Thank you again.

Jon Najarian  35:12  
Thank you.

Anthony Scaramucci  35:13  
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