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Join Anthony Scaramucci, Founder of SkyBridge Capital, and Nicole Webb, Vice President of Wealth Enhancement Group, as they dive deep into the crucial investment strategies to thrive in 2024’s volatile economy. From navigating Fed decisions to tactical asset allocations and the future of AI in investing, this episode is packed with insights on building and protecting your wealth. Whether you’re a seasoned investor or just starting, Scaramucci and Webb’s expert analysis and actionable tips provide the roadmap you need for financial success in these uncertain times.


Nicole Webb 0:00
passive investing works. And it works really well when you are just filling the bathtub with money holding rates at zero, actually honing in on the top quality names in momentum in markets like this that is more meaningful. And so I think having a buy strategy and a sell strategy is really important when you are sorting through new waves of technology, technological advances.

Anthony Scaramucci 0:26
So joining us now on speak up on the Wealthion network is none other than Nicole Webb. She’s the vice president of financial advisor wealth enhancement group. But she’s also a five star money manager. And, and Nicole, you are obviously a brilliant person. So I want to get right into it with you. Thank you for joining us. Let’s start with your career a little bit, because I think it’s a fun, great, you’ve had this great Odyssey to where you are now. You grew up in Philadelphia, take us a little bit through your career, before I start peppering you with economic questions. Yeah.

Nicole Webb 1:10
My career is it’s interesting. It’s a fun backdrop. And you hit on part of it in that I am the coming together of a a woman who grew up on a turkey farm in rural Minnesota, and an inner city street thug from Philadelphia. And I mean, he wasn’t really a thug. But higher education was an aspiration like really part of the American dream, and one that neither of them had the luxury of achieving. And so as their firstborn child, that trajectory of going to college was really important to them. And I thought school was really boring, and I didn’t want to do it. And long story short, my mother sat me down and said, hobbies are the luxury of those who have career success. And you need to keep going, you’re good at math, focus on finance, you know, just like go. And so that’s really it. It wasn’t this dream of, you know, Wall Street, that it wasn’t in me at 16 1718. And so I don’t, I don’t know that I have this great aspirational story other than you just put your head down, and you work really hard. And it has taken me incredible places. And finance has become the thing that I’m obsessed with talking about. So here we are. 20 years later, I celebrated my 20th work anniversary at wealth enhancement group this past September, and it’s been an incredible ride touched a lot of parts of advisory and markets. Pretty happy with where I am now. All right, well,

Anthony Scaramucci 2:47
congratulations. So I gotta ask the follow up question here. What are the hobbies? Because I know it’s accessible. Your mom and I want to know what the hobbies are. What are your hobbies? Yeah.

Nicole Webb 2:58
Well, I like doing really hard things like physically hard things. So hiking mountains. Okay, running. So anything that just looks like it would be kind of excruciating. That would be a pure joy.

Anthony Scaramucci 3:11
And then, like a rock climber

Nicole Webb 3:14
would No, not rock climber. I’m actually not probably that physically embodied. But my partner in life likes to live off the grid for the month of September and hunt large game with bow and arrow. And so we do a lot of training for that kind of wilderness activity. So there’s

Anthony Scaramucci 3:35
my kind of person so I’m, my family is originally from Northeastern Pennsylvania. So from the age of nine, the Friday after Thanksgiving, we were out in the middle of nowhere hunting sea. So, you know, I totally appreciate that. And that’s, that’s part of that life experience that thankfully, we got to enjoy as kids. Alright, so I’m going to transition abruptly. Yeah, well, the Feds got some big decision making going tell us about the state of the economy. I’m going to put you in the seat. You’re on the Fed board. Let’s make it you’re looking at all this economic data, your data dependent person? Yeah, where should we go? And so the two questions your Where should we go? But then also, where do you think they’re going to go? And is it different from where where we should go? It’s

Nicole Webb 4:26
interesting. You know, I think the past couple of weeks, the data hasn’t necessarily been in alignment with the Street’s expectations. And we used to be so reflexive, you know, to data, every bit of data caused a massive reflex. And instead, what you’re seeing is really very few ripples through the market today. I think a lot of that signaling is that if we go all the way back to December, what’s been quoted as the Fed pivot, and we in December there was this bit of euphoria that the Fed was going to take us through this easing cycle in 2024. And you started to see maybe the beginnings of a theme around broadening. And then we entered earnings season. So we’re going to fast forward now we’re in the first couple of months of 2024. And it was still all eyes on leading into earnings season, we needed so many fed cuts to achieve the 10 11% earnings growth that was baked into s&p expectations. And so instead, what we got was earnings data, which is kind of more important than economic data in terms of how we follow profits and profitability of companies. That said, we’ve already achieved maybe five, five plus percent of that earnings growth expectation, and forward looking rest of year 2020. Foreign into 2025 actually looks pretty good. And so there’s been a lot of discipline taking inside of US corporations in the last couple of years. And so I think that gives us more wiggle room for the data to be a little bit seasonal in January and February. Before there’s any type of seismic event or a big ripple. Calling. This is a theme.

Anthony Scaramucci 6:10
Okay, so I have this whole theory, I want to test it on you to tell me if I’m right or wrong. I feel like the Fed and the government. So the monetary and fiscal policy went bonkers. During COVID, understandably, so I’m not, I’m not a Monday morning quarterback, they didn’t know what was going to happen. They told people to go into their houses, a lot of blue collar people couldn’t work as a result of that. So they inducted money into the marketplace to help people help businesses so on and so forth. Float their boat. This left a lot of cash in the system higher than expected savings. And now that we’re clearing COVID, for the most part, we’ve cleared COVID We’re back working again. All of this money is still swooshing around in the global economy and has led to economic growth in the United States, China, not as much they’re fighting with the West, the sanctions are hurting them or I shouldn’t say sanctions, let’s say tariffs, are they have their own internal problems related to COVID and their health care system. So you’re in a situation the US is growing. But the rest of the world not as much as the US. Of course, you and I both know, the Federal Reserve is not just the federal reserve for us, because of all these dollars that are floating out there. We’re sort of the global Federal Reserve. So you cut the rates, you cut the rates in June, you got the rates in July, what do you do? My

Nicole Webb 7:38
expectation would be that there is a think of it like she’s like shaving meat, I mean, the shave it thin. And I do believe that they will test the waters, you know, Bostick was very forthright in saying, you know, rate cuts at this time would and I’m paraphrasing, essentially re accelerate demand, and the real acceleration of demand, reignites that in those inflationary pressures, at the same time, though, we have historical events that show that kind of those, that slow trimming of rates is a very prudent approach. And one that is that best serves you so you don’t push yourself into that recessionary environment. And so, with economic growth remaining above expectation, we bring back up that fear of the Fed waiting too long. But then kindly, Powell, on his second day of testimony gave us that I believe the data is leading us there sooner rather than later. And so I think this all very much falls in alignment to some of the points that you just made, I think we have to do a really good job when we think about investing in companies, and talking about the economic data of countries and not overly drawing them together. There’s such mashing right now of economic events, and Wall Street events. And at the end of the day, and I believe this is true even more in an election year, we invest in companies, not countries. And as cliche as that might sound I believe that people who are investing wealth need to remind themselves of that, because there can be two truths at the same time. There can be the truth of acceleration of money supply. And there can be the long and variable legs of the great financial crisis, all playing out in tandem with the acceleration of debt in this country that was, you know, kind of precipitated by the great financial crisis and then some of the ongoing policy on the backside of that, at the same time and in truth, you can offset debt with growth. And so when we look at the backdrop of D globalization happening in the onshoring as a result of COVID. You also can kind of play out. Okay, well, that that spikes of unit labor costs, it spikes up unit production cost. And we have productivity increasing. And so that brings us back to the monetization of spend on AI and some of the kind of forward technologies. And so I think it’s, it’s a, it’s a really opportune time to be a long term investor as long as you can kind of separate two truths happening in parallel, right

Anthony Scaramucci 10:27
is interesting. So, so let’s go to that. And then I want to talk a little bit about stocks and get your advice there. And then some advice for people that are trying to get a UNECE steak together and they want to grow their nest day. But let’s, let’s talk about this issue. So we’ve got $34 trillion of debt. So let’s just frame it for everybody. George Washington, to George W. Bush. $7 trillion of debt. Yep. Rock, Obama, Donald Trump, Joe Biden. $27 trillion. Yep. And so is that sustainable? Should we borrow $16 trillion over the next four years, which it looks like the CBO is saying that the US is going to do that? Is that something that we should worry about as investors? Or is that something No, no problem. Dick Cheney’s right. deficits don’t matter. I

Nicole Webb 11:20
mean, deficits matter. But, you know, at the end of the day, in its simplest form, I’d love to believe that the US is run like the strongest, most profitable business in the world. And so when we think today about what’s in momentum, and what’s quality, a lot of that has to do with the taking of the medicine. And so when you see, and I’ll just use the backdrop and the intersection of big wall street names with the question you just asked, one of the reasons we saw duration assets, mega technology, clobbered at the end of calendar year 2022, was a lot of these issues that we’re talking about, right in parallel to the US economy. And it was the lack of discipline, the lack of taking of their medicine, the lack of shoring up how they were spending, and cleaning some of that up. And so I think you can draw that over to, when we think about the US as an economy, and the head of the World Economic table, who really sits there, there’s a lot of privilege that we have in in how we’re allowed to manage our balance sheet versus other countries. And I think that to be just kind of, without political sentiment, just a true statement. I do believe and in my office, you know, with wealthy families, we talk a lot about what debt should mean to them as a backdrop of how to be an investor or how to think about their own financial planning. And the reason for that being that if we know that government debt can really only be offset by three, kind of core pillars, inflation or deflation of US dollar, taxation and growth, you can start to really think about how one wants to align their chess pieces in playing out the next decade. So we can’t, we cannot change the past the past is. And so when we think about where we sit today, we see the opportunity in a couple of things. One, the Fed has the opportunity to pull the short end of the yield curve down. And that will be meaningful in servicing debt. The second part of that will be those longer servicing of the debt. And that’s where you start to think about taxation and growth. And so we see productivity playing in we see the backdrop of D globalization. And then we have to start really kind of honing in on taxation and what that means as an expense item for corporations that we invest in, but then also for what how one manages their personal wealth.

Anthony Scaramucci 13:52
You don’t seem too worried about the deficit, then am I right?

Nicole Webb 13:55
I think that I can only worry about the deficit to the extent that I have control over planning around it, I would say, as an individual I have. I have concerns as an advisor to individuals, I would say that all I can do is advise them given what is known and and what the highest likelihood of kind of events would be. I think that the Elizabeth Warren’s of the world will say that

Anthony Scaramucci 14:23
every person by the way, Elizabeth Warren, I think she’s, she’s at the apex of my favorite. Yeah, say, Well, I

Nicole Webb 14:30
think she’s gonna continue to be very loud and vocal, that who cares, just tax people when they’re dead, dead people are a great place to go collect our tax revenues. It’s not an inflationary pressure, just go after go in that direction. And I mean, those are the ways that I sincerely speak to my clients about navigation. It’s like Who who is has the loudest soapbox for how we’re going to offset debt? Because right now it doesn’t look like it. Anybody is terribly concerned about going from where we are, and reverting off course. And so if they don’t they have to raise the revenue somewhere.

Anthony Scaramucci 15:09
All right, so, so bad stocks. Yeah. All right. But before talking about stocks, let’s talk about the myths, Mr. And Mrs. Joe Smith, who are building a nest egg, they’re nervous about the stock market. They’re nervous about the bond market. But you and I have been in the industry a long time, we know this is the path to prosperity. So make the pitch to Mr. or Mrs. Joe Smith, what do they do with their money? How should they think about their money, and give me a five or 10 year plan for somebody generically, to grow their nest egg and degrade some financial security and independence, I

Nicole Webb 15:49
would say that in the last 20 years, I mean, to anybody who walked into my office today, I would say in the last 20 years, this is an ideal time to be setting yourself up for multi generational success, that there is a decade plus of runway here, even today, we have the two year Treasury pushing back up up above 465. I mean, you have risk free assets. And that kind of mid to long duration, giving you you know, more than 100 basis points over the long term inflation rate that’s meaningful. And so when you look at the concentration of wealth in the baby boomer generation, you know, we should believe that there continues to be demand and fixed income across fixed income spectrum. So whether that continue to be Treasury when municipalities, strong municipalities are incentivized to underwrite good debt again, and then when we look at, you know, a corporate debt today, it looks really enticing. And I haven’t been able to say that for almost 15 years. On the flip side, you have a market that hasn’t really broadened out. And so if you were to just focus on US equities, I mean, I can make a strong case for, you know, the mid cap sector. And the fact that we have, again, I’m going to bring up this backdrop of D globalization and 20% of the mid cap index is industrial companies, we have congressional spend, going back to our conversation about spend around build back better the infrastructure Act, the chips act, that’s all happening here. And it all takes industrial investment. And then when you look at the Large Cap part of the market, this isn’t 2021 we’re not we don’t see this massive run up in unprofitable companies we’re seeing we’re seeing expansion in profitable companies. And so there’s a lot to go forward. I mean, when we look at pharmaceuticals, when we think about the changing backdrop of currency and banking, and then you layer on top of that technology advancements, and yes, there’s big capex spending right now on the future of AI, but that that monetizes at some point and in a lot of different ways. So even to think just in terms of traditional, you know, stocks, bonds, real estate and cash, I mean, you can make a really strong argument for this being a great time to be a cross asset investor. And that has not historically been the case since the onset of the great financial crisis. And so I mean, it excites me everyday for people normalizing

Anthony Scaramucci 18:28
rates, rates, getting back into that normal trendline from the 1990s. And pre 2008. is sort of a good thing for the investor class. Is that fair to say?

Nicole Webb 18:38
Absolutely, it was. So there was hyper fixation on the long and variable legs of inflation, and COVID policy, and I’m sorry, but I would say it is the long and variable legs of holding rates at zero. And to an extent, I think we’re in the rearview mirror, we will be grateful for the part of inflation that was transitory that pushed the hand of normalizing rates versus staying at this, we’re just going to fill the bathtub with water and, you know, kind of just leave rates at zero. So everything has the opportunity to appear profitable. That’s that’s not helpful. Right.

Anthony Scaramucci 19:19
I think it’s well said it also creates more of a stock picking mortgage than just an index based market. Yes. We’re going to take some questions from our audience, which is the fun part of the show. And so I’ll ask the producers to pop up the first question, assuming the central banks normalize interest rates, does the buy and hold strategy need changing for a true tactical asset allocation with with a flexible cash component? So this is right in your wheelhouse? And it’s literally right what you’re saying. Thank you, Joe from Ontario. What do you say they’re in a call?

Nicole Webb 19:52
And as long as Joe is talking about normalizing rates, back to something around kind of Three, three and a half, I would say, buy and hold quality growth oriented companies. And there’s a lot of opportunity in those today. I also think that, you know, it was globalization that helped us bring unit production cost unit labor costs down. As we shift forward. There’s a lot of opportunities for even these, you know, long standing names, to actually see real profitability growth through the digitization and the CapEx spend in technology. When it comes to buy and hold, though, and something you just said, Anthony, passive investing works. And it works really well when you are just filling the bathtub with money holding rates at zero, actually honing in on the top quality names in momentum in markets like this that is more meaningful. And so I think having a buy strategy and a sell strategy is really important when you are sorting through new waves of technology, technological advances. Okay,

Anthony Scaramucci 21:05
good. It’s great answer. We’re gonna go to the next question. A mooch I saw Steve Minuchin is allegedly putting together a plan to buy tic tac, what are your thoughts? And so the call, I want you to chime in as well. And I’ll be brief. Jessica, from Ohio. My thoughts are this is very necessary, unfortunately, when you work in the American government, and you’re privy to some of the intelligence details about what our adversaries are trying to do here in the United States. And in terms of the manipulation of data and algorithms that could effectively impair our youth, I think it is very, very necessary to take that asset and put it back in the control of the American people. And suddenly, that’s Mr. Minuchin, Secretary, former Secretary Minuchin said is that the Chinese would never allow a US entity to own this type of social media application in their country. And unfortunately, that’s just the world we live in. So I predicted this will get sold to either Steven or another group like his and it’ll be a successful outcome. I don’t think anybody wants Tik Tok to go away. We certainly want there to be vibrant competition for Facebook and other social media platforms. But we do have to get it taken out of the hands of somebody that’s manipulating that data. And it is adversely affecting the interests of the United States. What say Unocal?

Nicole Webb 22:31
I mean, you know, I’ll speak kind of two hats is I do believe there should be competition as a mother, and as an as an American citizen, you know, there is no denying the strength of the algorithms. And so for me, personally, I would say that onshoring data and in an Oracle Cloud storage facility in the US isn’t enough. We know that that’s not enough, we know that there’s a long reach between where data is stored, and how it’s accessed. Without knowing enough about whether or not we can truly, you know, actually get the sale of Tiktok to go through, it seems to me incredibly necessary. And, and you saw that, I mean, you saw the vote yesterday, only 64 people were against this. I mean, for those who hold the intelligence are obviously very much in alignment with this is something that is meaningful and important.

Anthony Scaramucci 23:26
Okay, totally agree. And let’s go to the next one. What are your thoughts on platforms like Robin Hood that offer free trading in exchange for payment for order flow? From Alex, and I’m gonna embarrass myself MS is Missouri. My write about that? Think so.

Nicole Webb 23:44
I want to jointly be embarrassed.

Anthony Scaramucci 23:48
While you’re answering the question, I’m going to go back to my fifth grade geography class, I’m going to look it up.

Nicole Webb 23:53
Like if this is Mississippi, I feel mortified and public feel

Anthony Scaramucci 23:57
like it is actually but um, you know,

Nicole Webb 24:01
free each eye free trading in exchange for payment order flow. So

Anthony Scaramucci 24:08
this is Mississippi’s Mississippi, I’m sorry. Okay.

Nicole Webb 24:12
See, I was really I was like, I wanted to

Anthony Scaramucci 24:17
write us New Yorkers. No, nothing.

Nicole Webb 24:19
I would say that the free gets peep. I mean, look at the assets on the platform, if free is what incentivizes people to participate in the profit of the companies that they are willing to invest in, then it is, then it’s worth it. Who cares? If it’s an exchange for payment order flows, companies deserve to make money if they can bring in consumers so that consumers don’t feel nickeled and dimed. I don’t know if what I’m buying on Amazon is really cheaper anymore. But what I do know is they’re not making me pay a shipping cost. And so it’s like perfect, I’m happy for it. This happened. In a lot of different ways, and I believe that the outcome is actually for the good.

Anthony Scaramucci 25:04
I’m with you, if you’re a long term investor, you can use Robin Hood. But whatever frictional costs that you’re getting in the front end, you’ll more than make up on the back end, I think we have to be long term and our orientation as investors, so I like Robin Hood. And it’s Alex from Mississippi. I’m sorry about that. But I mean, I’m in New Yorker, so they’ll have to forgive me. Let’s go to the next question. I’m really in a high dividend ETFs, there are a handful that are attractive to me. What am I missing? And that’s Holly from Kansas, that one I do know. So what do you say to Holly, Nicole?

Nicole Webb 25:37
Let’s say that you’d be missing out on opportunity and other sectors. And I think that, you know, receipt of cash flow from your investments is one leg of a stool in the woods high dividend, also, you know, just gives me kind of, there’s a lot of high dividend names that I don’t want to pick on anyone, but you also kind of have to look at what is the business model? And what is that? What is What are you giving up in exchange for the dividend. And so when you think just as an example, about kind of the returns, you’ve seen in the build out of AI, infrastructure, I mean, that those are not dividend companies. And that will spill over into the next leg of how one monetizes AI. And so I don’t think it’s bad for a portion. But I wouldn’t, that wouldn’t be where I’d go with all of my money. Certainly. Okay,

Anthony Scaramucci 26:31
that’s great answer. Let’s go to the next one. If you already have a well diversified portfolio, and I have some extra funds to play with, I would like to start investing in startups. Where should I start? This is Brandon, I don’t recognize that state abbreviation. So maybe you do in the New Yorker?

Nicole Webb 26:54
I don’t know what NJ I don’t think trains go there. So I’m not all right.

Anthony Scaramucci 26:59
Okay. All right. So you’re a Philadelphia and that’s why you’re saying that. From New Jersey, what do you say to brand new from New Jersey,

Nicole Webb 27:06
you know, the spark startup space is tricky, because you’re looking at companies that are likely not profitable and generally perform. So that’s a hard one. And there’s a lot, you know, there’s 50%, less companies that are publicly traded Now than, than there There once was. And so there’s a lot held in the private markets today, especially startups. What I do think is valuable is kind of digging a bit deeper. I, the amount of time I spend right now trying to be a tech nerd is really impressive to me. I mean, I’m trying to understand all of the veins of where we are headed with the applications of new technology. And so I’d say, I don’t know that you necessarily need to invest in startups. But you can think about the themes today, where you haven’t seen kind of this run up in valuations, because we’re not, we’re not openly talking about the narrative of that next layer. And that’s generally just as profitable as kind of trying to find the next great thing versus the next theme of something that’s already started. So

Anthony Scaramucci 28:14
it’s interesting. And I’ll say something, it doesn’t reflect well on me. I’ve invested in a lot of startups, and I’ve had a lot of startups fail on me. I always wonder Nicole have I just taken the money, I was putting in the startups and bought a Berkshire Hathaway or bought a Microsoft Word, me and my family be better. So I’m not saying you shouldn’t do a little bit of it, because it’s fun. And it was an opportunity to go on the golf course and say that I caught something very early. But I like the ghosts go slow turtle approach to investing. But I appreciate the question, Brandon, let’s go to the next question. A lot of YouTube investing content seems to be weighted towards despair, as if the world is about to end. Should we really be this concerned? This is sure. From Florida and I will say this, you know, I, when I joined the Wealthion network, I said, I don’t want to be that gloom and doom person. You can garner ratings, as a gloom and doom person. But I’m an aspirational person. I’m an optimistic person. And I want to teach people that they can be aspirational, and optimistic about the growth of their wealth, which has helped me and my family and so many people that I’m close to, what do you say, Nicole?

Nicole Webb 29:29
I think it goes back to the power of algorithms. And whatever you hit on will continue to appear for you. And so I think YouTube is a great platform for also finding a lot of the positive narratives to and I just put that out there because I think it’s important to go in search of the other side of the story. There are certainly a lot of things to be concerned about in the world today. And I don’t want to come across as someone who like only has sunshine and rainbows and rose colored glasses and the debt doesn’t matter. And it’s a bull market. And there are there are all of the issues that are omnipresent on the global landscape. And certainly even here. What I would say, though, is that the strength of the US comes from the strength of the business that is here, and our ability to invest in those businesses. And that is a unique privilege. And we offer a lot of transparency in this country. It might not feel transparent enough to a lot of people. But there is a lot of transparency. When you work on Wall Street, you follow the guidance, because you believe the guidance, like we talk a lot about that side of things. And I don’t want anyone to lose sight of the benefit of that. That is why there’s such strong asset flows to to the US. That’s why valuations are so strong on us domiciled companies. And there’s room for continued growth. The unique thing about humans is that we continue to innovate. And we continue to capitalize on those innovations. And so it’s meaningful to not let those despair narratives bring you down. I also think that it’s forward thinking to talk about the flip side or the threats because it makes you a more balanced investor. If you can live at the intersection of despair and optimism. That’s where you’re going to find your best laid plan because you’re not going to over respond to fear greed narratives, because you will live in the middle. And so I would just encourage everyone to digest both ends and then live as closely to the center line as they can. I

Anthony Scaramucci 31:41
want you to take over my job as a host of the show, Nicole. That was a brilliant answer. And that is exactly what I think we should stand for on this show. And frankly, on the Wealthion network, okay, it is yes, there are good and bad things in the market. There are cycles. But think like a Warren Buffett, think like Nicole Webber, get in there and own pieces of these companies for the long pole and you’ll be very well rewarded. Let’s see if there are any more questions. Nicole is a hunter it can take down a bunk with a bow and arrow. mooch? Can you do that? Or have you gotten too soft? This is my Dave and they can train. I think

Nicole Webb 32:22
there’s a new YouTube video about to hit this fall. And it’s gonna be you and I on an elk hunt.

Anthony Scaramucci 32:27
You know, let me tell you something I you know, I, I’ve gotten a box, I’ve dragged him out of the woods, I’ve tied him to the car. But I will admit to Mike and Dave, that I’m going in for male breast reduction surgery at this point in my life, because I am getting very soft. Okay. And that’s their way of going after me and letting me know there are no more questions in the call. Oh, let’s give you the last word on speak up. What else would you like to talk about before we say goodbye and wish everybody good weekend, you

Nicole Webb 32:59
know that. The other thing that I think is important today is kind of this antitrust narrative, and not letting the big get too big. And so we’ve spent running into this year. And a lot of last year was so hyper focused on six or seven names. There are great stories beneath the surface of companies that are either still held private or maybe not as well known, the big are really big, and at the same time, they can’t buy up everything anymore because of antitrust. And so I would just say, you know, don’t lose sight of the fact that we eventually have to rotate out of semis and into hardware, and that processing speeds and the way that our enterprise level operations run that will all change again. And it’s been a while since we talked about hardware. And so again, I just, I would like to leave investors with this theme of yes, no Vidya has really run and it seems like we’re in a video game as the market goes. But that is an old story. We used to talk that way about Apple, I can name countless names before it. Don’t feel like you can’t be an investor because some names have taken over the market narrative. It is still there still so many viable under the surface companies to be invested in that are going to reap the rewards of what is happening, you know, kind of at that headline level today.

Anthony Scaramucci 34:36
I mean, it’s a great way to end the show. Ladies and gentlemen, Nicole Webb from wealth enhancement. I want to thank you for joining the show. And I really do hope you invite me on one of those haunts.

Nicole Webb 34:47
It’s happening. Next time I see you in a green room. I’m gonna be like, let’s get this date.

Anthony Scaramucci 34:52
Rise these humans with my prowess.

Nicole Webb 34:55
It’s gonna be the best content I’ve ever made. I can’t wait. Alright

Anthony Scaramucci 34:59
guys. I bless you, Nicole, have a great weekend. Thank you again


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The world of finance and investment is intricate and diverse. It’s our mission at Wealthion to provide you with a variety of insights and perspectives to help you navigate it more effectively. We thank you for your understanding and your trust.

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