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Are artificial intelligence and biotech set to dominate the markets over the next decade? Stephen McBride reveals why AI is a game changer and explains Europe is on the brink of economic collapse. In this episode, host James Connor speaks with Stephen McBride, Chief Analyst at RiskHedge. Stephen shares his insights on the AI revolution and its real impact on the economy. Why is Europe falling behind? Stephen explains how over-regulation is driving innovation away. Stephen also talks about his upcoming move to Abu Dhabi and what makes it a hot spot for innovation. He also discusses his thoughts on the booming sectors of AI and biotech, and why they’re set to shape the next decade.


Speaker 1 0:00
AI design drugs. So right now to get a new drug approved and on pharmacy shelves in America, you’re looking at $2.7 billion in r&d, and over 10 years on average, right? AI can really ingest mind bending amounts of data, design new drugs for us help speed up the regulatory process. This is already happening. There’s already an over a dozen drugs, AI designed drugs in pipelines, and they’re doing it much, much faster in fact, and Google Google DeepMind just spun out a new company that signed deals what I think now Nova ne and on Eli Lilly to basically design drugs quicker and faster.

James Connor 0:43
Hi, and welcome to Wealthion I’m James Connor. Everywhere we look, artificial intelligence or AI is a topic of discussion and everyone is adopting an AI strategy, but as the AI fad like the metaverse or web three or NF T’s or is it here to stay? To help answer this question? My guest today is Steven McBride, Chief Analyst at RiskHedge. Steven, thank you for joining us today. How are things in Dublin? James?

Speaker 1 1:11
Great to be back on. Well, Dion, and thank you for having me. Yeah, look, the restaurants are packed, the streets are busy and poor. You know, look, I’m not too I’m not too positive on the future of Europe. I believe innovation is the thing that creates prosperity. and European bureaucrats have tricked themselves into believing that they want to lead on regulation and regulating AI and regulating crypto and all these technologies. That’s the way to create wealth. So look long term. I couldn’t be more bearish on Europe.

James Connor 1:44
The Europeans love implementing policies, they

Speaker 1 1:47
never met a technology that they didn’t like to regulate, right? And to think about users think about why was the internet such a big deal, I would argue was because in the early days, we largely left it alone. We left it to flourish, right? You think about trying to regulate the internet and 93? How could you ever have foreseen all the wealth that the internet will create all the new companies it will create? And all the jobs that were created? And you think about what they’re doing with with AI now, right? They’ve already implemented an AI act. So I think, look, this is just going to continue to drive innovation offshore drive companies offshore, my fellow countrymen, Stripe co founder, Patrick Collison, you know, he wrote a blog post and called stripe have been created an Ireland? And the answer was no, because you have all these regulations, you have banks not willing to deal with startups. So, you know, I think this is very good for Canada. Your country is very good for America and elsewhere. But I don’t see much happening in Europe.

James Connor 2:47
So you are currently in Dublin, but you’re actually making a move to Abu Dhabi here in the coming year. And I’m curious, why do you want to move there? Why not move to London or Paris? Yeah.

Speaker 1 2:57
So I’ve been to Dubai and Abu Dhabi many times James, and I was just incredibly impressed by the forward looking nature of the company or the country. So they get almost all our drinking water from desalinization plants. And they’re just finished construction and opened our fourth nuclear power plant. You think about what that country was 30 years ago, right? Go look, it was it was one or two buildings beside the sea, such small fishing villages. And now you go, and you see what they’ve been able to do. So really, I want my kids to grow up in an environment in a country around people that are strivers, and, and Abu Dhabi and Dubai have that in abundance. You know, I think 84% of the population of the country is actually not Emirati. It’s really a collection of people around the world who have moved there to build a better life for themselves. And, you know, I think I think I want my that that mentality to rub off on my kids. And also, you know, we’re going to talk about AI. UAE is absolutely one of the leading countries outside of America on AI, they’ve launched AI models, so that makes me even more bullish

James Connor 4:06
it when I think about Abu Dhabi I guess I think about billionaires right? Is it what’s the cost of living like they’re what’s the cost of real estate or to own a home? Yeah, so

Speaker 1 4:16
look, obviously does zero tax and it does come across as quite luxurious, but it’s actually quite affordable. And I mean, you know, when you take into consideration I actually have a friend who just recently moved from Dubai to Toronto and he said all in Dubai is actually cheaper that’s despite paying you know, 7080 90k rent for a villa to buy real estate is actually quite affordable. You will get a decent you know, three bedroom villa in a nice area for half a million dollars. So, all in when you consider you’re not you’re not paying tax, it’s actually it actually works out cheaper in many ways. Well, that’s

James Connor 4:55
interesting. Well, good luck on that. And I want to move on now and I want to talk About your firm risk hedge in your motto of the firm is turning disruption into wealth. What exactly do you mean by that? So James,

Speaker 1 5:09
we really want to identify pockets of rapid change, right sectors, industries, where things are changing fast and the companies in our experience and rapid growth. And specifically, you know, we call those megatrends, right? You can think of AI. That’s, that’s the one that’s on everyone’s mind right now. And you want to focus specifically within great business within these sectors. Think that’s, you know, you think about a Venn diagram, fast growing trends, but great businesses. And the intersection of those two Venn diagrams is really where we focus. And so yeah, that’s, that’s what we mean by turning disruption into wealth. And you just think about the ability to buy companies the ability to buy stocks, that’s only existed for 400 years, which in the long arc of human history actually isn’t that much. I always find it amazing that I can sit at this laptop here. And I can buy shares, and then video, or Amazon or something like that. It’s it’s quite amazing when you think about it. So of

James Connor 6:06
course, you’re doing a lot of work on artificial intelligence, what other sectors would fall into this category? So

Speaker 1 6:12
I think if you just picked one trend for the next decade, and by the way, we’ve been investing in AI since 2018. So we’re not new to the game. For me AI and biotech are the two big trends that you want to focus most of your time on, over the next decade. I think biotech, you know, you think about you think about waves of innovation, right? I would, I would argue that for 50 years, we had incredible innovation and transportation, right? You had the Wright brothers, we went to the moon, you had supersonic jets, you had cars, all these things, then that’s really switched information technology, right? The computers, the internet, AI and so forth. I think the next big 50 year trend is biotech, right? You’re seeing cancer vaccines, you’re seeing CRISPR cures that allowed people to cure doctors to cure blindness, and deafness and kids were eyedrops, or an injection in the rear. So really focused on those two sectors. Right now, if you were to ask me, my most contrarian idea, I still think crypto is extremely. Blockchain is extremely valuable. We can we can absolutely talk about use cases there. But yeah, biotech and AI, I think a lot of money is going to be made in these sectors over the next decade or two.

James Connor 7:29
So let’s do a deeper dive on artificial intelligence or AI. John Chambers, the former CEO of Cisco recently said that AI will power the stock market for the next 10 years. And it seems like every company out there is adopting some sort of AI strategy. And I guess my question to you is, is AI just another fad like web three? Or the metaverse? Or is this a real game changer?

Speaker 1 7:53
I think it is a real game changer. And I think anyone who thinks different really needs to use the technology. Okay? This is unique in the sense that you can actually use AI, whereas kind of the metaverse or NF TS or, or even crypto back when everyone was talking about it was very hard for the average person to get their hands on it right right now, or anyone with an Internet connection can go and check out the best AI the world has to offer. And Chuck Right. So I think it is a big game changer. I think it’s an incredible productivity booster. You know, just earlier I came across this paper, maybe I know a topic that you’re interested in the cost of building nuclear power plants write this dense 50 page document on why learning curves have haven’t haven’t taken place in nuclear why we don’t build plants anymore. I could have spent 30 minutes reading the paper right? Instead, I just sent you a chip at the document asked it to summarize the main points and insights for me. And in 30 seconds, I had all I needed. And another thing that I really think it’s going to help is for anyone who homeschools their kids or just really wants to to give their kids or grandkids a leg up. You can use it for educational purposes. You can create fun quiz and learn and games out of AI. So I would encourage anyone who was a little bit skeptical of AI to actually use the technology. And alongside that just look at what companies are saying about this. Alaska Airlines came out the other day and said AI like was create an AI navigation system was almost a Google Maps in the year. I think it saved that 500 million gallons of fuel last year just from shaving one or two minutes off each flight clarity at the Buy Now pay later company. We created an AI chat bot. It now does the work of 700 agents and handles calls quicker and it’s going to amount for it’s going to create $40 million in profit for the company. So I understand AI is this big hyped up thing that people are saying Where’s it all going? What is it used for? Just look at the use cases. And you will see this is not a fad.

James Connor 10:05
So you mentioned in video and that’s like the poster child for AI. And it recently went through an all time high of $1,000. They just announced a 10 for one stock split. What are your thoughts on Nvidia? Does it keep going or is it overdone here and as a reminder, the market cap on Nvidia now is $2.3 trillion.

Speaker 1 10:27
So, you know, I’ve owned invidious since 2008. And so I’m a little bit biased, I’m speaking from a position of strength. And I did We did sell half the position earlier this year, just to take profits after after it ran up so much. I believe it has Florida to run, look, the biggest cash rich companies in the world, Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Facebook, they’re going to spend over $170 billion building AI datacenters and an order infrastructure. This year, it’s going to be over $200 billion next year. A huge amount of that money is going on chips. Okay. So I don’t think it’s time to sell Nvidia. Yeah, I think it has Florida to run, I think before this bull run is over, it actually becomes the world’s largest company, which would make me a little bit cautious. Maybe that is the sell signal. And put you actually look at where it’s trading on a former PE basis, as much as the stock has run up. And its earnings have gone up even faster. So as of as of yesterday, or pre pre earnings. And it was it was trading a near its five range, low on the forward P E basis. So I think I was forwarded to Ron James. And I mean, yeah, as I said, it’s actually it’s actually more than justified to me overtired.

James Connor 11:43
So I have to admit, I haven’t done much work on AI. And of course, I know about Nvidia, but I don’t know about any other deems what other names fall into the AI sector that I should be looking at.

Speaker 1 11:54
So I’m gonna give you a very interesting story, James. So this, this phone here, so in video sells GPU is about half the size of this phone, right? It gets TSMC to make them, the buyers that chip from TSMC, for about $700. It then packages that and works all its magic, and then it sells it to Google and Microsoft for $30,000. And these chips have gotten about 100x, faster, not 100% 100x faster over the past decade or so. The problem is that NVIDIA chips have gotten so much faster than everything else in the data center. Right? They’ve got you have to think about it. Think about it like this super fast thing in the data center. It’s so fast that the rest of the data center, the cooling equipment, the storage, the fiber optic cables, the memory chips, they can actually not keep up with invidious chips. So the result of that is that these super powerful chips that soak up tons of energy. And that’s something that we can maybe talk about, and they only are actually operational about 30% of the time. Yes, they are. They’re soaking power all the time, right. So our thesis is really that you’re going to see a lot of money and a lot of innovation in the older parts of the data center. So we own the tree are actually more than three stocks for the three stocks that I had highlighted here was vert of holding. So this is really the cooling systems liquid cooling systems. In the AI data center, which is super important. You have pure storage, which is solid state drives on the ultra on February net, which is the optical equipment and inside the data center. So really, you’re going to see all these areas catch up. And it’s not just a video anymore. When

James Connor 13:44
it comes to semiconductors, Intel has been around for many decades, and yet they’ve kind of lost his battle. And it’s really underperforming Nvidia what’s happening with Intel? Are they able to compete with Nvidia? The,

Speaker 1 13:58
the short answer is no. They build a layered. And when you look at the history of semiconductors, usually when a company gets a lead in a certain sector, it usually stays there for a very long time. It’s actually rare that you know we’re in the verticals and semiconductors, you get change. So I really think Intel is not prepared for that for the AI age. I think it’s it’s you know, it’s been beaten by it’s been beaten by NVIDIA on one side and TSMC on the fabrication side. So I think you there’s a lot better stocks to own, not just in AI but just in semiconductors in general. I think, you know, people maybe you might be a little bit bullish on Intel, because it’s building all these fabs and it’s spending all this money and it’s getting all these subsidies from the government. I would say to you that a better bet is to buy the semi cap companies that the machines because 70% of one of these cutting edge fabs 70% of the morning and we’re talking $30 billion for a fab 70% of that money goes towards the machines. That’s companies like ASML and Lam research and Applied Materials, and Kla, 10 core, they’re the companies that are going to be earning all this money. So that’s the better bet.

James Connor 15:12
So that’s great. You provided lots of examples or other companies that we can invest in to capitalize on this whole movement toward AI. But let’s talk about AI and jobs. Now, there’s a lot of concern that AI will disrupt, disrupt the job market, and it seems like everyone I know, in North America, they’re looking for work, okay. And they’re looking for good paying jobs, and they can’t find any. And I don’t know what it’s like there in Ireland. But the job situation here, it’s not what you’re, it’s not as good as we’re led to believe it is. Okay, according if you look at government numbers, and I guess my question to you is, is AI already disrupting the job market? Is it already displacing workers? So

Speaker 1 15:55
I think the fear about AI replacing jobs is completely overblown. I want to give a shout out to our friends over a pessimists archive, they wrote this great article about how Job AI robots have about been about the steal the jobs for 100 years. And it’s all these examples of every decade about people saying this technology or that automation is going to take all the jobs. And of course, what ends up happening is technology use, you almost always creates more and better jobs, I think it’s going to be the same for AI. Look, I’m not saying it’s going to destroy no jobs, I think if you put a gun to my head, and I think customer service is one of those industries that will maybe have 10% of the workforce that adores today, and five or 10 years. But what I’m really focused on Jameson, and what I think the world needs to embrace is that how AI is going to allow us to move up the value chain, and actually help people that really need that help. For example, if you talk to teachers today, they spend less than half of their time actually teaching the kids, right, it’s grading homework, it’s designing lessons, it’s, you know, all these rules and regulations that they have to comply with. What about if we could just automate all that away, which are GPT? Okay, just you can you can design not only design a lesson for the class, you can design it lessons for individual students based on where they are. So, you know, you might be ahead of me and math or whatever, you can design individual lessons for us. Wouldn’t that be so much better? Similarly, in healthcare, here in Ireland, you’re waiting, you know, two, three years, some cases, I’m not joking, for an appointment, what a bell for create AI assistants, to radiologists, and doctors, and automate away some of those lower level functions. So they can actually serve more clients perform the jobs better. And so I actually think this is going to be an amazing thing for humanity. I think a lot of the BS jobs that we have, are going to go away, which this technology will create so much prosperity, that we will be more than better off than we were before.

James Connor 18:05
Yeah, you mentioned call centers and I’m deep into the Apple ecosystem, we probably have like 10, or more Apple products in this household. Every once a while I do have to phone their service line. And I have to say they got the best service bar none. And it’s been that way for quite a few years. But you always input your information, you speak to some sort of automated bot or system, right? And it looks after you like right away, there’s no pausing. And if there is an issue, if you do have to speak to somebody, I’ll put you on to somebody relatively quickly. So they do a hell of a job. Yeah,

Speaker 1 18:43
I mean, look, Klarna, when they created the AI chatbot they handled I think 100 queries in 20% of the time and customer satisfaction went up. So again, look, it’s going to be messy in the short term, but I would just I would encourage people to go and look at the history of technology. And we always have these fears about things, yet, we always seem to come out the other side better. Now look, you could say to me, Hey, but what happened in Detroit? You know, look, Detroit was was America’s richest city in the 1950s. And now look at the world, there will absolutely be winners and losers. I think you can’t just sit back and say, Oh, everything’s gonna be great. You need to act to protect yourself and make sure you prosper. And because, as always the winners and losers.

James Connor 19:30
So in the 1990s, a similar productivity and efficiency story played out with personal computers and the PC revolution. And that prompted many companies to adopt automation. And I guess what you’re seeing is the same sort of thing that is going to happen with AI. Absolutely.

Speaker 1 19:46
And I think it’s going to happen faster, because you already have the infrastructure in place, right? You think about when you’re adopting the internet, or we have to build our own server room. How do we even do that? Why is a computer we have to train everyone Whereas now, we already have cloud computing, okay, and everyone already has a server room, and everyone knows how to use computer. So we think that’s going to happen faster. And you know, I gave you an example earlier of Alaska Airlines saving 500 million gallons of fuel. What is American and delta and united airline thinking, Now, we need the same system. And that’s going to happen in every single industry. Because if you don’t use this technology, you are going to be falling behind. So I think it’s going to surprise people how fast the adoption is.

James Connor 20:34
So let’s look at the long term implications. Everything we discussed now as the short term. But if we look out five or 10 years from now, how do you think AI is going to disrupt or change our lives for the better,

Speaker 1 20:47
it’s a tree things, James, first of all, AI powered robot taxi, self driving cars, 40,000 Americans die on the roads every single year, I think we can reduce that by 90%. With Robo taxis again, you literally have this car, we’re always in the back of its head, that never drink drives, or never texts, or never gets tired. So I think that’s absolutely going to be thing. And I think it’s going to be I think it’s going to be amazing. And you know, anyone who I know who’s rode in a way, Mo, whatever, just as incredible. Like, why would I ever own a car again. And so I think that’s, that’s going to be a big thing. Again, slow, we’re making progress. But it’s slow, because 99.9% in this industry, or this sector is not good enough for you, you can’t ship a minimal viable product in self driving cars. So we’re slowly inching our way. But that’s absolutely going to be with us in five years. Second thing I would say to you, is AI designed drugs. So right now to get a new drug approved on pharmacy shelves in America, you’re looking at $2.7 billion in r&d, and over 10 years, on average, right? AI can really ingest mind bending amounts of data, design, new drugs for us help speed up the regulatory process. This is already happening. There’s already over a dozen drugs, AI designed drugs in pipelines. And they’re doing it much, much faster, in fact, and Google, Google DeepMind just spun out a new company that signed deals, but I think no, Nova north, and an Eli Lilly to basically design drugs quicker and faster. You just think about all the people in the world suffering from some rare disease. And the big companies are saying, you know, there’s 100,000 People suffering from this, why would I bother spending all this money all this time when there’s only this tiny market, so they get left behind? Right? That’s, that’s people that are unnecessarily suffering, now, we can actually help those people. So I think this is going to be it’s going to be absolutely huge. And the third one that I’d say to you is I think AI is going to lead to an A nuclear renaissance around the world, simply because this stuff requires so much energy to operate, we’re on a Dell building, you know, Microsoft and open AI are Annabelle building a data center for $100 billion. Okay, many, many football fields full of powerful serverless servers, servers and cooling equipment that GPU is. And the only way to power that long term is with nuclear power. And you saw Amazon buy a nuclear power plant with a data center attached in Pennsylvania. They also designed an AI system to speed up the regulatory process. And on you’ve seen a huge new form from governments around the world on nuclear since AI has come along. So we think and just just to bring a home that benefits us all because people might not notice. But nuclear is the cleanest, safest source of energy. And in fact, they also can be the cheapest if we were actually allowed to innovate in nuclear. So I think those are three things that within five or 10 years are going to become quite apparent ever.

James Connor 23:57
So I’m sorry, where do you see Microsoft is building this $100 billion data center. So

Speaker 1 24:04
it hasn’t broken ground on the app with the plans with open AI, it’s, it’s called Star Gate, I believe. It will obviously be built in America. But that’s that’s the plan to deal with that. But just more broadly bringing it back to today. And these companies are putting up data centers by the dozen, right, and they’re getting they’re getting bigger, bigger all the time. So the power needs are only going to grow.

James Connor 24:29
So let’s move on now I want to ask you about check GPT I haven’t spent much time on this, but open AI just released a new version or an updated version. Tell me about it.

Speaker 1 24:38
Well, James, you have to promise me as soon as we’re off this call, you’re going to log on to chat GPT because the most amazing thing, as I said is that you can get access to the best AI system in the world for free. It’s quite incredible. And look, the new the new church GPT is incredible for one reason it’s Big, practical boost what you can actually deal with. Again, I would encourage people to go and check out some of the demo videos. There was one incredible one where a dad is sitting with a son, and he asks them, so you can now share your screen which are GPT. So say your child’s on an on an iPad at home that’s struggling with a problem. You could shoot press a button share your screen, which IGBT Hey, Chachi btw, can you please coach my son through this lesson? It knows exactly what you’re looking at. You could provide some information, maybe your your your son’s in sixth grade or whatever. And it helped help this guy walked through the problem that gives us all dates, basically personalized tutors, right? You think about all the kids that come home and they have nobody to help or homework or, or maybe you know, they get homeschooled and and the parents are the best teachers, you basically just clone the best tutor and gave it to everyone with an iPad, an internet connection. That’s one big thing. The second big thing is it really breaks down language barriers. Right? So again, one of the demos Was it real time translate at a conversation between English and Italian between two people. You think about when you’re when you’re in a foreign land, whether you’re in Spain, or South America or whatever. And I’m sure like you’ve had these Oracle conversations of asking for something at dinner, or asking for directions. And it’s always a hassle right now you just whip out your phone. And the two of you can communicate in almost real time. It’s almost like having one of those. Those translators that the Presidents have right when they meet. So again, encourage everyone to check it out. It really is an amazing tool.

James Connor 26:38
I will check it out for sure. You mentioned that it was free. I thought they were charging for that now.

Speaker 1 26:43
Yeah, so they were charging $20 a month for GPT. Four. But as part of this new release, they said we’re going to make the model free and available to everyone. And again, this is you know, people might think GPT is just a text bot, you can upload files where you can talk to it. You can show images, you know, if you have if you have a leaky tap or your your son has a bike that he doesn’t know how to fix, you can take a picture of a chip at how do I fix this bill gives you the answer is honestly incredible. I’ve never seen anything like so

James Connor 27:17
that’s a good overview of check GPT Are there any other AI programs that we should check out? Or be aware of?

Speaker 1 27:24
Yeah, Chachi BD is certainly the best one. And as I said, James, it’s free. So that is removes a lot of barriers for people. I would also encourage people to check out on Tropics clawed free, very good. And, you know, I almost find it sometimes better for research if you’re throwing large PDFs into it and asking them to summarize it. That’s the only one I check out. But again, just just go attach a PDF I now see what

James Connor 27:51
I want to move on now and get your views on cryptocurrencies, you and your team have done a lot of work on this space. And I want to ask you a Bitcoin specifically, we went through this whole halving process bout a month ago. And since that time, Bitcoin has been relatively quiet in terms of its price action. Why is that? Why is that I because everything I heard or read prior to this, the whole halving process was going to take Bitcoin to new all time highs. Yeah.

Speaker 1 28:18
So when you look past having cycles, James, it’s really the case that it doesn’t take off immediately, right. They’re kind typically buttons 1218 ones before to having rallies into the hirving. And then once the having happens, it does go up more. But again, we’re only a month out. So I would I would give it some time. And I ultimately think Bitcoin might follow a little bit of a different cycle this time around, just due to the ETF laws. I mean, this has been the most successful ETF launch ever. And the importance of that is that before you know, I talk to a lot of institutional investors, and the like, I’m not setting up a Coinbase account. Okay, I’m not taking the risk, why would I think I’m just going to wait for the ETF. Now, when you’re on lock, you bridge the gap, you break down the walls, and between the Old World and the New World. And so I think this, this has a long way to go. And ultimately, I think this might be a little bit of a little bit of a different cycle for Bitcoin, in a good way, in a good way, I think we can actually run longer than anyone anticipates. So

James Connor 29:24
I get asked, you know, what’s your target price? So we’re currently trading between 65 to $70,000. What’s your target price here? Where do you think we go? Year End?

Speaker 1 29:32
Year Ranz. Year End over 100k In the next 12 months 150 And I think we got a I think we got a big pullback when we hit 150 Yeah, that’s that’s what I’m targeting. Certainly not overrun the early days.

James Connor 29:50
That’s good to know. So there’s still hope for me if I buy it.

Speaker 1 29:54
Well, look, I’ll give you I’ll give you the the elevator pitch for our thesis. Really people think crypto anything cryptocurrencies, digital money, all their stuff. Really blockchain is a whole new way to build a business. So you know, something people might not know about a Tyrian, which is the second largest crypto. And it did a couple of 100 million dollars in transaction fees last them last month. And those those that every single month, you can think about Ethereum as an app store, which like blockchain apps are built on. And there’s tons of business in the crypto space that are making real money. And you know, I think these ETF approvals, the regulatory clarity that we’re starting to get out of the US is incredibly, incredibly important for the space because until now, we’ve been kind of languishing in this gray area, right, where entrepreneurs are afraid to build products, a lot of the products aren’t even available to Americans. So I think I think we’re in an incredibly good environment for

James Connor 30:52
crypto. Well, that’s great, very interesting comments. And listen, I want to thank you very much for spending time with us today. And Steven, before I let you go, I gotta ask you one thing every time I go to London, I’m always looking for a good fish and chip place. haven’t found one yet. And everybody tells me No you got to go to North you have to go north to Scotland. Who makes better fish or chips Scotland or Ireland. Going

Speaker 1 31:14
to be completely biased jams. I’m going to say Ireland Irish potatoes are the creme de la creme. If you ever come to Dublin please check out Leo BoardDocs that’s my number one recommendation for fish and chip shop. Also if anyone’s come to Dublin, I’ll bring it to the best Italian restaurant outside of Italy.

James Connor 31:34
Well, I might take you up on that well. Once again, I want to thank you for spending time with us today if someone would like to follow you online or learn more about you and your various services where can they go?

Speaker 1 31:46
Sure they can go to risk They can check out my my free weekly letter the jolt or they can find me on Twitter at disruption hedge all one word.

James Connor 31:56
Once again, Steven, thank you.

Unknown Speaker 31:58
Thank you gents.

James Connor 31:59
Well, I hope you enjoyed that discussion with Steve McBride and providing with some insights on the whole AI revolution to help determine how these new themes will impact the economy and also financial markets. We here at Wealthion have organized a virtual conference in conjunction with salt and it goes live on June the first we have some amazing speakers including Raul Paul Linode, and then also Rick Rule and many more, all of which will help you navigate these financial markets during these uncertain times. Once again, that’s June the first and you can find out more information on our website I want to thank you for spending time with us today and I look forward to seeing you again soon.


The information, opinions, and insights expressed by our guests do not necessarily reflect the views of Wealthion. They are intended to provide a diverse perspective on the economy, investing, and other relevant topics to enrich your understanding of these complex fields.

While we value and appreciate the insights shared by our esteemed guests, they are to be viewed as personal opinions and not as official investment advice or recommendations from Wealthion. These opinions should not replace your own due diligence or the advice of a professional financial advisor.

We strongly encourage all of our audience members to seek out the guidance of a financial advisor who can provide advice based on your individual circumstances and financial goals. Wealthion has a distinguished network of advisors who are available to guide you on your financial journey. However, should you choose to seek guidance elsewhere, we respect and support your decision to do so.

The world of finance and investment is intricate and diverse. It’s our mission at Wealthion to provide you with a variety of insights and perspectives to help you navigate it more effectively. We thank you for your understanding and your trust.

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This is why we created Wealthion. To bring you the insights of some of the world’s experienced wealth advisors and then connect you with like-minded, independent financial professionals who will create and manage an investment plan custom-tailored to you. We only recommend products or services that we believe will add value to our audience.  Some links on our website are affiliate links. This means that if you click on them and use the affiliate’s services, we may receive a payment from the vendor at no additional cost to you. 

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